Wednesday, 29 May 2013

A Dinner Party

          Maria was going to be fourteen on the twenty-first of July! Few weeks were left so some of her friends decided to organise a surprise party for her.
          The party was organised at a hotel hall in Sliema. It was going to be a dinner party. Lots of friends were invited and the party was going to be quite expensive, but her friends didn’t mind. The party was held on a Saturday evening at eight o’clock. At seven-thirty people started arriving. Maria did not know about anything yet but her friend Amy told her that she was going for her at seven forty-five so they would go and celebrate her birthday.
          The hall was all prepared and lots of people were already there. In the meantime, Amy was on her way to pick up Maria. When Amy arrived at Maria’s house, she called her and Maria got out of the house. Maria was wearing very high heels and she had long stairs to go down! On her way down she tripped! She fell down half the stairs. Amy went up because she knew something had happened. When Amy saw her lying down on the floor, she called the ambulance that got there immediately. Test results showed that she had broken her leg and hand. She ended in hospital with a cast. The party was cancelled and all the people were very disappointed!
          Maria’s birthday party was very disappointing! She soon found out that her friends had organised a surprise party and was very sad and sorry for them for organizing it.

Yana Vella (2.3)

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

A Surprise Dinner Party

Sally and Fiona were organising a dinner with their friends and family at their house. They wanted to have a fancy, luxurious dinner.
             The dinner was being organised because one of Sally’s and Fiona’s friend was having her birthday. Sally said to Fiona, ”I really feel stressed out, because we have to put up the decorations, prepare some snacks, cook the meal and most of all, we have to bake Jessica’s birthday cake!” “Oh, just relax, we have time. Tomorrow is her birthday so we have twenty-four hours left, we have time” said Fiona.
             They started cooking and baking and putting up the decoration.  All of a sudden the door bell rang. Fiona and Sally stared at each other. Fiona went to open the door and she saw Jessica waiting to come in. “ I’m sorry, I’m busy working…with my…Mum” said Fiona.” Oh, I’m very sorry, I wished we could study together. Oh, well, maybe I can go to Sally” said Jessica sadly. “No! I mean…Sally has a dinner with her family, I’m very sorry” ” Oh…well I should go back home, thanks” said Jessica sadly. ”I’m very sorry. We’ll see you tomorrow at my house, bye.” When Fiona closed the door she felt very sorry for Jessica, but she had to continue with the preparations.
            It was Jessica’s birthday today and everyone was enjoying the birthday, especially Jessica. She said ”This is the best birthday ever, thank you!”          

Amy Micallef (2.2)

A Dinner Party

                  Yesterday I had a great time because I went out with my friends for dinner since it was my thirteenth birthday.
I had a lot of fun. My friends and I went to a restaurant called “Rainforest restaurant”. I invited my three best friends: Rachelle, Clara and Alessia. We met at the restaurant at seven o’clock for dinner.
We had a big dinner. We had a table full of food in front of us. After a while there was a thunderstorm in the rainforest restaurant, a fake one. There were also animal sounds. The animals were also moving around. The restaurant was decorated as a jungle with animals and leaves everywhere. There was also one table with a huge frog sitting on it.
I hope we could go there again because I had a lot of fun with my friends and the dinner was great with all the food.

Amy Aquilina (2.3)